Designed to Support Teams
Team Coaching
Our team coaching offer enables improvements in performance, behaviours, direction setting, problem solving, wellbeing and resilience, team dynamics and leadership. We enable teams to explore and develop an increased awareness of joint strengths, development needs and resilience.
Developing Effective Teams
We specialise in working with teams to build greater trust, improve dynamics, understand their strengths and recognise their assets to become high performing. We work with you to enable team development, improvement and maintenance using a range of interventions including Aston Team Performance Inventory, team building activities, team diagnostics, team coaching, development, mediation, resilience and role redesign
As expert facilitators we can facilitate large or small groups through the use of a wide variety of different tools and approaches, effectively managing outcomes and ‘group think’ to achieve the desired outcome. Approaches may include:
World café
Edward de Bono 6 Thinking Hats
Appreciative Inquiry
Dilts Logical Levels of Change
Fishbone/ Cause and effect analysis
Goal setting and action planning
And so on…